Fiat Money Meaning, System, Examples, vs Commodity Money

paper currency

But Bitcoin has some of the same strengths and weaknesses as commodity and fiat money. It is only as valuable as people believe it is and has a finite value, such as a commodity. The next question remains, will Bitcoin become the future currency? Earlier in U.S. history, the country’s currency was backed by gold .

difference between commodity

International balances were settled in dollars, which were convertible to gold at a fixed exchange rate. Near the end of World War II, allied economic policymakers gathered in the United States, at Bretton Woods, to try to ensure that the postwar economy fared better. From 1870 to 1917, countries adopting the gold standard were picking side A, where they had a fixed exchange rate and free capital flow in order to facilitate international trade.

Fiat Money: What is a Fiat Currency?

The fact that fiat money is not connected to tangible assets, such as a national stockpile of gold or silver, means that it is susceptible to depreciation due to inflation. XRP During some of the most severe occurrences of hyperinflation, such as the period after World War II in Hungary, the inflation rate might more than quadruple in a single day. We saw a great example of fiat monies and the ability to control interest rates, money supply, and liquidity with the central bank’s response to the Great Recession in 2008. The ability to control those aspects of the money helped lessen the blow to both the U.S. and global economies.

Eventually, in the 13th century, when Kublai Khan was the leader, the fiat currency system was established. However, due to overspending and hyperinflation, the Mongol Empire fell. In the 17th century, Europe started using fiat money after Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands adopted it. The Swedish government later abandoned fiat money and went back to the silver standard because it failed greatly. Federal government also adopted fiat money, each having different experiences.

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Intuit does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content on this blog. Comments that include profanity or abusive language will not be posted. As a medium of exchange, money can be anything that is widely accepted as a means of payment for goods and services. When people use something as a medium of exchange, it becomes money.

  • The next question remains, will Bitcoin become the future currency?
  • Which of the following best explains the difference between commodity money and fiat money?
  • The word ‘fiat’ is a Latin word meaning determination by authority.

Unlike commodity currencies, which could be affected by the discovery of a new gold mine, the supply of fiat currencies is regulated and controlled by the respective currency’s government. There is less risk of an unexpected devaluation caused by the supply of fiat currencies, as any increase in supply is a pre-empted decision made by a fiat currency’s government. Which of these are characteristic of a gold standard as historically practiced?

Because of the chronic shortages of money of all types in the colonies, these cards were accepted readily by merchants and the public and circulated freely at face value. It was intended to be purely a temporary expedient, and it was not until years later that its role as a medium of exchange was recognized. The first issue of playing card money occurred during June 1685 and was redeemed three months later.

But as, the law recognizes it as an acceptable means to pay debts, taxes, and other financial obligations. Centralization refers to the fact that a central authority, such as a government or central bank, has the sole power to issue and regulate the supply of currency. This central authority is responsible for setting monetary policy and deciding how much currency to produce and distribute via the financial system. The increased prevalence of bubbles is because fiat currencies have a virtually unlimited supply, which means that quantitative easing is an option for governments. While possibly providing stimulus to an economy, quantitative easing can also cause greater inflation rates.

What is fiat money?

Well-known examples of fiat currencies include the pound sterling, the euro and the US dollar. In fact, very few world currencies are true commodity currencies and most are, in one way or another, a form of fiat money. When a central bank issues banknotes, it is simultaneously issuing you, the consumer, a percentage of your government’s debt. Think about how, for example, the EU and the United States create money. Commodity money gets its value from its own worth, like with precious metals (e.g. gold and silver), salt, or even shells. Fiat money has attributed value because a government declares it legal tender – it has no intrinsic value.

The costs of the Seven Years’ War resulted in rapid inflation in New France. After the British conquest in 1760, the paper money became almost worthless, but business did not end because gold and silver that had been hoarded came back into circulation. Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, such as a national stockpile of gold or silver, it risks losing value due to inflation or even becoming worthless in the event ofhyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation’s currency, the money will no longer hold value. To help stabilize the post-war global economy, 730 delegates from 44 allied countries agreed to set fixed exchange rates between their national currencies and the US dollar.


In this case, the fiat currency vs commodity currency issues fiat money, such as the U.S. government. The bottom line is commodity money functions by establishing a value backed by a physical product that everyone assumes has a value, such as gold, silver, or tobacco. And when using commodity money for purchasing items, it becomes the money or currency accepted by all. Word about the gold standard, a gold standard is a monetary system where the country’s money has value based on the link directly to gold. Any country that uses the gold standard buys and sells gold at a fixed price, and that price becomes the value of the country’s money. Proponents of the gold standard argue that this type of system helps control credit expansion and controls the lending standards employed by banks.

What is a commodity based currency?

A commodity currency is a currency that co-moves with the world prices of primary commodity products, due to these countries' heavy dependency on the export of certain raw materials for income. Commodity currencies are most prevalent in developing countries (eg. Burundi, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea).

From the history we have discussed, we can see that fiat currency is not appearing suddenly but how we gradually transitioned into this system. Jacques de Meulles, the Intendant of Finance, conceived an ingenious ad hoc solution – the temporary issuance of paper money to pay the soldiers, in the form of playing cards. He confiscated all the playing cards in the colony, had them cut into pieces, wrote denominations on the pieces, signed them, and issued them to the soldiers as pay in lieu of gold and silver.

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Backed by the full fiat currency vs commodity currency and credit of the US government,” in reference to the dollar. It gets its value based on the trust people place in the authorities that issue it. Commodity-backed currencies, on the other hand, get their value from the underlying price of the gold, silver, or other materials they’re linked to.

Some examples of a medium of exchange include fiat currency, gold, cryptocurrency, and commodity money. A fiat-money currency greatly loses its value should the issuing government or central bank either lose the ability to, or refuse to, continue to guarantee its value. Some examples of this are the Zimbabwean dollar, China’s money during 1945 and the Weimar Republic’s mark during 1923. A more recent example is the currency instability in Venezuela that began in 2016 during the country’s ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis. The value of fiat money is determined by supply and demand, and if there’s too much supply of fiat money in the economy, its value will decline. Fiat money was created as a substitute for commodity money and representative money in the early 20th century.

Contrastingly, an unstable nation has weak money, hindering purchasing power. The Fiat money system is backed by the reliability of the issuing government and is used as a means of payment. Moreover, its value relies on the nation’s commercial performance, leadership, and its effect on lending rates. Please note that thefiat money systemis unredeemable and inconvertible. Century, the government and banks had promised to allow the conversion of notes and coins into their nominal commodity on demand. However, the high cost of the American Civil War and the need to rebuild the economy forced the government to cancel the redemption.

In 1971, the U.S. stopped offering foreign governments gold in exchange for U.S. currency. Commodity money has some intrinsic value due to the content of precious metal it is made up of or backed by, but debasement or increases in precious metal supply can cause inflation. Commodity money, however, retains value based on the metal or other material content it has. Fiat money is therefore more at risk of inflation because its value is not intrinsic. History says that all fiat currencies fall, returning to their intrinsic value of zero. The US dollar is no exception, and it may be on its last legs.

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Also, it must be backed by the full credit of the government that gives a decree and prints it as a legal tender for financial transactions. Fiat currency is not supported by any physical commodity, but by the faith of its holders and virtue of a government declaration. Paper money acts as a storage medium for purchasing power and an alternative to the barter system.

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The difference between fiat money and commodity money relates to their intrinsic value. Historically, commodity money has an intrinsic value that is derived from the materials it is made of, such as gold and silver coins. Fiat money by contrast, has no intrinsic value – it is essentially a promise from a government or central bank that the currency is capable of being exchanged for its value in goods.

What are examples of commodity money?

Examples of commodity money are gold and silver coins. Gold coins were valuable because they could be used in exchange for other goods or services, but also because the gold itself was valued and had other uses. Commodity money gave way to the next stage-representative money.

Unlike the fiat currency system, representative money didn’t give policymakers the flexibility to produce more cash as needed. Representative money is often designed to combine the best part of fiat and commodity money. For example, a note that represents some amount of gold could achieve a direct correlation to gold’s price and inflation protection while simultaneously being easy to carry and use as payment. However, these monies ultimately depend on trust in the promise that the note represents the underlying commodity. If that trust deteriorates, the value of the representative money can erode rapidly.

At the time of writing, more than 9,600 cryptos have been launched. Collectively, they have a market value of over $2.3 trillion. To trade or buy these digital assets, you can convert fiat into cryptocurrency on leading exchanges. Scarcity is the reason why gold and silver never lose their financial worth. It’s hard to find large quantities of them in the wild, so their demand has historically exceeded their supply. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin is not controlled by a central authority and does not depend on the success of any individual government.