What Is The Dow Theory

founded dow jones

There are other aspects of Dow Theory that we need to pay attention to even more. The following chart of the Dow Industrials illustrates these three phases during the years leading up to the October 1987 crash. A trend should always be treated as intact until there is a clear signal that the opposite trend has started. As such, there was a clear correlation between the manufacturing industry and the transportation market.

change in trend

Bitcoin stuck in bearish Elliott Wave pattern despite 47% rally, QCP Capital says – FXStreet

Bitcoin stuck in bearish Elliott Wave pattern despite 47% rally, QCP Capital says.

Posted: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 11:03:14 GMT [source]

Remember, a follower of Dow theory trades with the overall direction of the market, so it is vital that they identify the points at which this direction shifts. The 2nd phase begins when the economy starts to prosper and as it does, companies benefit and start reporting increased earnings. This, in turn, entices more stock buying, raising the market higher. This is a tool to help identify the direction of the underlying trend.

Dow Theory in action

The downtrend for Coca-Cola began with the sharp fall from above 90. The stock rallied with the market in October and November 1998, but by December started to decline again. According to Dow Theory, the October/November rally would be called a secondary move .

The https://trading-market.org/ in trend occurred on September 23 when the June lows were violated. Some traders may have concluded that the trend changed when the late August lows were violated. This may indeed be the case, but it is worth noting that the June lows represented a more convincing support area.

  • Likewise, volume is bound to decrease if the prices move against the trend.
  • The market will continue to decline until all the bad news is fully priced into stocks.
  • Today, Hamilton would likely add message boards and day-traders to this list.
  • In the third phase, the public would continue to despair, but investors who can see the upcoming shift will begin accumulating again.

On the one hand, such an unsteady setup equates to high risks. For example, here is a secondary downtrend within the current primary uptrend in the S&P 500. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time, and you may gain or lose money. These comments should not be viewed as a recommendation for or against any particular security or trading strategy. Views and opinions are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions.

Performance of Dow Theory

Additionally, Dow Theory relies on 2 indexes that have changed composition dramatically since the theory was created more than 100 years ago. The averages discount everything (i.e., they reflect all relevant market information). Key factors to watch continue to be earnings, potential rate hikes, inflation trends, COVID developments, and spillover effects of the war in Ukraine, among others.

Everything About Dow Theory – Moneyshow.com

Everything About Dow Theory.

Posted: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Volume is more important when confirming the strength of advances; in addition, it can be used to help identify potential reversals. Rhea distilled Dow’s and Hamilton’s writings into a number of discrete theorems. Some are more broadly-focused, describing general market behavior, while others address specific signals that can be used to identify and confirm market trends. This section covers some of the broader theorems describing the types and behaviors of market trends. Charles Dow developed Dow Theory from his analysis of market price action in the late 19th century. Until his death in 1902, Dow was part-owner as well as editor of The Wall Street Journal.

Closing Prices and Line Ranges

A breakout below the temporary trough will trigger a sell signal for the developing bear market. After the high point of a primary uptrend, a secondary downtrend bounce that exceeds 3% will occur and establish a temporary trough that maintains below the previous highs. ThePanic Phasefollows as buyers thin out and selling becomes more urgent. The downward trend accelerates to a near-vertical drop characterized by climatic volumes. This phase is usually followed by a long recovery or sideways movement before the final phase begins. It was originally promulgated by Charles H. Dow who noticed that stocks tended to move up or down in trends, and they tend to move together, although the extent of their movements could vary.

If the stock holds up once again and rebounds, then a double bottom is formed. The Dow Theory was introduced to the world by Charles H. Dow, who also founded the Dow-Jones financial news service . During his time, he wrote a series of articles starting from the 1900s which in the later years was referred to as ‘The Dow Theory’. Much credit goes to William P Hamilton, who compiled these articles with relevant examples over a period of 27 years.

This is when the https://forexarena.net/ pops regardless of good or bad earnings, the media starts to create nicknames for the stock or a fancy new“group” that they claim it belongs to. Sometimes it even becomes a competition between firms to see who can set the highest target. It’s during this phase that your college buddies start to call you asking if it’s time to buy it when they really should be asking you when it’s time to sell it. The Rally—The second phase is usually accompanied by a steady advance and rising trend. This is something that often gets overlooked, and I’m not sure why. Whenever we look at a stock, index, or commodity, for example, the first thing we want to do is to identify the primary trend.

However, it is at this point that the so-called “smart money” begins to accumulate stocks. This is the stage of the market when those with patience see value in owning stocks for the long haul. Remember how Warren Buffett stated in the summer of 1974 that now was the time to buy stocks and become rich. Everyone thought he was crazy, but he was one of the only ones who had correctly identified the ongoing accumulation stage in the market. Primary movements represent the broad underlying trend of the market and can last from a few months to many years.


As such, gains recorded by industrial firms ought to be mirrored by a rise in the value of transport shares. One of the oldest and most effective trading strategies is the Dow Theory. However, any successful trader acknowledges that with the right strategy, it is possible to take advantage of a volatile market and record significant profits.

This is the https://forexaggregator.com/-following community’s favorite tenet, of course. There is no simple definition of a trend, other than a series of higher highs and higher lows for an uptrend, and lower lows and lower highs in a downtrend. If one of the two Dow Jones Averages is making new lows in a downtrend, the other one should be confirmed very soon.

dow theory

Smart traders and market makers start to accumulate during this period, before a significant increase in price occurs. Indeed, it is the secondary measure of confirming a new trend. This means that if the market prices move in a similar direction as the trend, the volume will increase.


If the market is making successive higher-highs and higher-lows the primary trend is up. If the market is making successive lower-highs and lower-lows, the primary trend is down. Dow believed that primary trends seen on one marketindex should be confirmed by trends seen on another market index. At the time, this mainly concerned the Dow Jones Transportation Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average. Accumulation – After the preceding bear market, the valuation of assets is still low as the market sentiment is predominantly negative.